Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Khoj Inc. Terms of Service
Last Updated: June 5, 2024
If you signed a separate Cover Page to access the Product with the same account, and that agreement has not ended, the terms below do not apply to you. Instead, your separate Cover Page applies to your use of the Product.
This Agreement is between Khoj Inc. and the company or person accessing or using the Product. This Agreement consists of: (1) the Order Form and (2) the Key Terms, both of which are on the Cover Page below, and (3) the Common Paper Cloud Service Agreement Standard Terms Version 1.0 (“Standard Terms"). Any modifications to the Standard Terms made in the Cover Page will control over conflicts with the Standard Terms. Capitalized words have the meanings or descriptions given in the Cover Page or the Standard Terms.
If you are accessing or using the Product on behalf of your company, you represent that you are authorized to accept this Agreement on behalf of your company. By signing up, accessing, or using the Product, Customer indicates its acceptance of this Agreement and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Cover Page
Order Form
Cloud Service: a platform which allows you to apply a large language model (LLM) to your personal data. It offers an open-source solution which you can self-host, as well as a managed solution which you can access online.
Subscription Start Date: The Effective Date
Subscription Period: 1 month(s)
Non-Renewal Notice Period: At least 30 days before the end of the current Subscription Period.
Cloud Service Fees:Section 5.2 of the Standard Terms is replaced with: Certain parts of the Product have different pricing plans, which are available at Providers pricing page. Within the Payment Period, Customer will pay Provider fees based on the Product tier selected at the time of account creation and Customers usage per Subscription Period. Provider may update Product pricing by giving at least 30 days notice to Customer (including by email or notification within the Product), and the change will apply in the next Subscription Period. Modifying Section 5.1, fees are inclusive of taxes.
Payment Period: 5 day(s) from the last day of the Subscription Period
Invoice Period: Monthly
Key Terms
Customer: The company or person who accesses or uses the Product. If the person accepting this Agreement is doing so on behalf of a company, all use of the word "Customer" in the Agreement will mean that company.
Provider: Khoj Inc.
Effective Date: The date Customer first accepts this Agreement.
Covered Claims:
Provider Covered Claims: Any action, proceeding, or claim that the Cloud Service, when used by Customer according to the terms of the Agreement, violates, misappropriates, or otherwise infringes upon anyone else's intellectual property or other proprietary rights.
Customer Covered Claims: Any action, proceeding, or claim that (1) the Customer Content, when used according to the terms of the Agreement, violates, misappropriates, or otherwise infringes upon anyone else'S intellectual property or other proprietary rights; or (2) results from Customer's breach or alleged breach of Section 2.1 (Restrictions on Customer).
General Cap Amount:The fees paid or payable by Customer to provider in the 12 month period immediately before the claim
Governing Law: The laws of the State of Delaware
Chosen Courts: The state or federal courts located in Delaware
Notice Address:
For Provider: team@khoj.dev
For Customer: The main email address on Customer's account
Attachments and Supplements
Acceptable Use Policy:
By using Khoj, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
Appropriate and Legal Content
You must not upload, post, or share content that is unlawful, harmful, defamatory, offensive, harassing, or otherwise objectionable. Content must not infringe upon the rights, privacy, or intellectual property of others. Do not engage in or promote any illegal activities, including but not limited to harassment, hate speech, discrimination, or cyberbullying.
Privacy and Consent
Always respect the privacy of others and seek permission when sharing content that features individuals other than yourself. Do not share personal or confidential information about yourself or others on the platform. Refrain from collecting, storing, or sharing personal information of other users without their consent.
Misuse of Generative AI
Do not use the generative AI to create or distribute false or misleading information. Do not engage in any activity that exploits, compromises, or abuses the generative AI for malicious purposes. Respect the intellectual property rights of the generative AI's output and use it only as intended.
Moderation and Reporting
We reserve the right to moderate, edit, or remove any content that violates this policy without prior notice. Users are encouraged to report any content or behavior that they believe violates this policy through our designated reporting channels. Users must comply with any additional instructions or guidelines provided by the moderators or administrators.
Compliance with Applicable Laws
Users must adhere to all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations. We cooperate with law enforcement authorities when required and may disclose user information to comply with legal obligations.
Consequences of Violations
Violation of this Acceptable Use Policy may result in penalties, including but not limited to:
Content removal
Temporary or permanent suspension of user accounts
Legal action for serious violations
Data Storage and Retention
To enhance security measures and prevent fraud and abuse, the Cloud Service will store your email address indefinitely. This practice is crucial for identifying and mitigating potential threats and ensuring the integrity of our service. The stored email addresses will be used exclusively for security-related purposes and service updates, and not for marketing or any unsolicited communication.
You have the right to manage your data, including the deletion of non-essential information. To delete your non-essential data, you can utilize the tools provided within our service or contact our development team directly at team@khoj.dev
Updates and Revisions
We may update and revise this policy from time to time to adapt to changing circumstances. Users are responsible for staying informed about these changes.
Changes to This Privacy Policy
Wed Jun 5, 2024
Added section 'Data Retention and Storage'
By using Khoj, you acknowledge and agree to abide by this Acceptable Use Policy. Failure to do so may result in the suspension or termination of your account. We encourage all users to report any violations or concerns promptly to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone. Thank you for being part of our community!